ASOS meets web demand with KEMP 360 elastic load balancer

ASOS Meets Web Demand with KEMP 360 Elastic Load Balancing in Microsoft Azure

Posted on September 5, 2017

by QCM-Technologies

ASOS, one of the world’s largest online retailers with 167 million visitors last Black Friday, are deploying KEMP LoadMasters on demand in Azure in under 10 minutes to provide uninterrupted availability with KEMP’s Metered Enterprise Licensing (MELA).

The Cloud Technology Challenge On-premise application delivery technology has evolved to use highly optimized hardware platforms that consolidate multiple workloads onto large purpose built appliances. However, in the cloud this single ‘big box’ delivery model breaks down as cloud architectures impose a multi-instance application delivery model. Application delivery in the cloud requires a solution that is optimized for performance and scale as well as being easily managed and cost-effective. See that solution HERE.

Source: Kemp Technologies


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